Weather In Chennai

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Weather In Chennai
Weather In Chennai from

What was the weather like in Chennai?

Chennai Weather Summary

Chennai experienced a moderate climate throughout the year, with warm and humid summers and mild winters. The city's tropical savanna climate is characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. The warmest months were April to June, with average temperatures hovering around 32–35°C (90–95°F). The coolest months were December to February, with average temperatures ranging from 21–25°C (70–77°F).

Rainfall in Chennai

Chennai received an average of 1,200 mm (47 in) of rainfall annually, with the majority falling during the monsoon season from October to December. The city experienced occasional thunderstorms during the summer months, but these were typically brief and localized.

Humidity and Wind

Humidity levels in Chennai were consistently high throughout the year, averaging around 70%. The city is also prone to strong winds, particularly during the monsoon season. These winds can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure, and can also lead to power outages.

Climate Change and Chennai

Like many coastal cities, Chennai is vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Rising sea levels and increasingly frequent and intense storms pose significant threats to the city's infrastructure and population. The city government is working to adapt to these changes by investing in flood control measures and promoting sustainable development practices.


Chennai's moderate climate and distinct wet and dry seasons make it a pleasant place to live and visit. However, the city's vulnerability to climate change poses significant challenges that will need to be addressed in the years to come.